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  Review 7/Apr/05  
Hypnotique - The Hanging Garden

Photo © Tony Oudot 2003
The Hanging Garden is a stunning new CD by Hypnotique which features twelve heroic songs, noir narratives, and melancholic instrumentals which are take the listener on an enchanting journey through many varied musical experiences. This CD was created completely by Hypnotique; composition, vocal and instrumental performances, recording, mastering, and even the CD packaging.

The Hanging Garden is a creative tour de force. The music transports the listener though many different worlds, from horrific images of places where the "blood flows like wine", The Witch's Tale, to absolutely beautiful tribute to to Clara Rockmore, Clara De Lune. Hypnotique merges classical, avant-garde, pop, and cabaret styles. The music has style all of its own that is refreshing, challenging, and always interesting. Sometimes she is terrifying ("Have you ever had a dream about killing someone in your own family?"); sometimes poignant; and sometimes humorous.

Photo © Jason Knott 2002
Hypnotique is an excellent Theremin player. She studied with Leon Theremin's grand niece, Lydia Kavina, and has since given international appearances on TV, radio, and records, including a recent presentation with Bob Moog in Denmark. She uses the Theremin in many places on this CD to great effect.

I'm very impressed with he use of alternative tunings, not just with the Theremin, but with her voice. At first I thought some of the passages were out of tune, but after several hearings and much consideration, I'm convinced there is method to her madness. These tunings create moods and effects that are magnificent.

The Hanging Gardens
is unlike anything I have ever heard. I was immediately attracted to this music. It stands up to repeated listenings, or should I say, it requires them.

This CD is limited to a production run of only 777. We are very honored that Hypnotique has chosen to offer them on electro-music.com. We have a small quantity that are signed and numbered. I can not escape the feeling the Hypnotique is going to be be very significant in the music world. If you are looking for music that is beyond the ordinary, that will challenge and amuse you, that you will call you back to it over and over, then order your copy of Hypnotique's The Hanging Garden now, before they are sold out.

For more information, including mp3 samples, or to buy The Hanging Garden, click here. The Hanging Garden is certainly going to be a collector's item.
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