In logic circuitry the flipflop is quite straightforward, following the input conditions.
The interesting aspect starts with the D-flipflop which has two 'modulation' inputs to force the output hi or lo despite the input.
So, if more parallel bits are concerned, a kind of binary mask can be an overlay to define the output. _________________ 0.618033988
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Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 4:59 am Post subject:
Since the topic is Boolean Sequencing and we're getting precise about definitions and stuff, I thought I would draw up a couple of diagrams to illustrate Boolean Sequencing. Thanks to Acoustic Interloper's recent post we now have a broader concept than I was previously thinking for Boolean Sequencers. This new concept expands the Boolean Sequencer from a binary counter followed by logic and algebra on its outputs to a state machine with algebra on its outputs.
The block diagram below shows the standard illustration of a state machine where logic and flip flops form a loop, plus an algebraic output block. What's new here for Boolean Sequencing is that there are now control inputs that can affect the system, plus the counter has been generalized to be any arbitrary state machine. We still have the math/algebra for calculating note frequency.
The state diagram shows an example of how Inversion might be accomplished by a Boolean Sequencer. In that diagram the rectangle represents logic that selects which state is next, and the circles are states.
I'm just now realizing that I forgot to draw in the random input to the block diagram, but anyway you get the idea.
Block Diagram of a Boolean Sequencer, with new state machine concept.
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State diagram of an Inversion-based Boolean Sequencer
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Joined: Jul 13, 2011 Posts: 79 Location: United States
Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 7:19 am Post subject:
mosc wrote:
Yes, these problems are common for all algorithmic composition techniques. I do most of this kind of stuff with the Clavia G2. I've found that it is essential to make some things that generate long "envelopes" that control the note and rhythm generators. Also, it's good to make some kind of parameter that controls the duration.
Anyway, it's fun to experiment. Please keep us informed of your progress.
I've been working on an fm synth patch in max/msp for audiocubes, see
I started with a fairly simple patch in which I didn't have LFOs, and the idea was that each cube would be attached to different oscillators, which could then modulate each other depending on the location of the cubes.
Eventually while playing around with the patch I came to the conclusion that to make the sound interesting it would be necessary to have envelope generators and LFOs which can be set to really low frequencies, and that besides pitch modulation amplitude modulation would also be necessary, and that interesting results happened when switching LFOs between pitch/amp mod of various oscillators.
So in a sense it's similar to what you're saying for algorithmic composition - you need long envelopes or low freq LFOs which can control various parts of the "core engine" to keep things interesting _________________ percussa mSSP - digital modular in a eurorack module - 8 in/4 out @ 48/96/192khz DC coupled - 25+ DSP modules
Joined: Jul 13, 2011 Posts: 79 Location: United States
Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 7:25 am Post subject:
Inventor wrote:
I'll try to create a definition for Boolean Sequencing:
Boolean Sequencing: A technique for creating music sequences by forming logic expressions from a binary counter. The outputs of the binary counter drive a logic network and a note is played whenever the logic output is true. Note frequency is specified by an algebraic expression of the counter bits and/or logic terms. Random bits and retrograde sequences can also be incorporated in the composition. Base-N counters may be used along with a chosen definition of Base-N logic expressions.
That's a bit wordy but I got it all in there. Now for your listening pleasure, a 52 second piece that I created tonight using Boolean Sequencing in Synth Lab, attached.
The short song was created by driving three SinOsc VCOs with logic terms from the counter logic, then sending the VCO outputs into a ring of three band pass filters. A little reverb adds some depth to the output, which is taken from one of the filter ring nodes. I have been playing around with rings of oscillators, filters, delays, and gain blocks in various geometric topologies. It's a good learning experience.
sounds really interesting. I'd love to make a max/msp patch for audiocubes that uses these principles: each cube could be attached to a different clock or processing module. When putting the cubes together in various ways specific results would be generated from the processing cubes, which can then be mapped to notes or midi control changes and sent to effects or instruments via midi or osc. do you have any suggestions about the logic operations and clock speeds that are worth playing with? _________________ percussa mSSP - digital modular in a eurorack module - 8 in/4 out @ 48/96/192khz DC coupled - 25+ DSP modules
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