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G2 Patch Archive Listing
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simple ringmod.pch2
[see]Dec 31, 69Tim Kleinert
[see]Dec 31, 69Tim Kleinert
[see]Dec 31, 69Tim Kleinert
global seq pointer.pch2
[see]Dec 31, 69Tim Kleinert
[see]Dec 31, 69Tim Kleinert
[see]Dec 31, 69Tim Kleinert
[see]Dec 31, 69Tim Kleinert
[see]Dec 31, 69Tim Kleinert
[see]Dec 31, 69Tim Kleinert
[see]Dec 31, 69Tim Kleinert
[see]Dec 31, 69Tim Kleinert
[see]Dec 31, 69Tim Kleinert
global seq pointer.pch2
[see]Dec 31, 69Tim Kleinert
[see]Dec 31, 69Tim Kleinert
[see]Dec 31, 69Tim Kleinert
simple ringmod.pch2
[see]Dec 31, 69Tim Kleinert
[see]Dec 31, 69Tim Kleinert
[see]Dec 31, 69Tim Kleinert
[see]Dec 31, 69Tim Kleinert
[see]Dec 31, 69Tim Kleinert
[see]Dec 31, 69Tim Kleinert
[see]Dec 31, 69Tim Kleinert
PhysRecorder TK.pch2
simple physical modeling recorder patch for the G2
[see]Apr 18, 04Tim KleinertAcoustic"PhysRecorder" -physical modeling recorder patch
PhysRecorder2 TK.pch2
updated version
[see]Apr 18, 04Tim KleinertAcoustic"PhysRecorder" -physical modeling recorder patch
SillyTalks TK.pch2
(use mic input)
[see]Apr 18, 04Tim KleinertFXMinistry Of Silly Talks
...the name is the game...
[see]Apr 18, 04Tim KleinertAudio InStretchFreezer
[see]Apr 19, 04Tim KleinertAudio InStretchFreezer
custom design lowpass filter; "dry", fat sound with big low end
[see]May 12, 04Tim KleinertNord Modular G2 DiscussionWhat about the filters?Improvement for next OS
electric piano model using basic modal synthesis
[see]May 13, 04Tim KleinertPianoElectric piano model
naughty & dirty
[see]May 14, 04Tim KleinertSequencer - automatic (noodles)Constipated Troll
...ahh, my head... ahh, sleep...
[see]May 14, 04Tim KleinertSequencer - automatic (noodles)Constipated Troll
Wurlitzer TK.pch2
wurlitzer patch using modeling concepts
[see]May 14, 04Tim KleinertClassicWurlitzer
StringCheese TK.pch2
hi poly"drawbar" type PWM pad machine, built on a nifty technique
[see]Aug 28, 04Tim KleinertPadStringCheese
AdditiveSynth TK.pch2
16-partial additive synthesizer with nifty macrostructure
[see]Mar 1, 05Tim KleinertSynthAdditive synth
24bit waveguide.pch2
24bit tuned delayline building block
[see]May 5, 05Tim KleinertNord Modular G2 DiscussionBug in delay lines?
DelaylineTest TK.pch2
[see]May 5, 05Tim KleinertNord Modular G2 DiscussionBug in delay lines?
Counter TK.pch2
DSP-efficient multipurpose up/down counter
[see]Jun 29, 05Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksDSP-cheap up/down counter circuit
DIY Osc TK.pch2
where are the osc and filter modules?
[see]Jun 30, 05Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksDSP-cheap up/down counter circuit
DIY Synth TK.pch2
demonstration of DIY oscillators (and filters)
[see]Jun 30, 05Tim KleinertG2 Patches - ExperimentalDIY synth
XFade-Bug 040705.pch2
[see]Jul 1, 05Tim KleinertBugsX-Fade Bug (G2, OS 1.32)
CtrlAudioTest TK.pch2
does exactly as it says... or your money back!
[see]Jul 3, 05Tim KleinertNord Modular G2 DiscussionGeneral Nord Modular (NM/G2) advice needed
Soupe TK.pch2
inside the intestines
[see]Jul 9, 05Tim KleinertFXBurp...
Drift Jitter TK.pch2
simple solution for osc drift and jitter
[see]Jul 25, 05Tim KleinertNord Modular G2 DiscussionThe g2 sound - How do you tweak it?
simple demonstration of smooth delay time tweaking
[see]Sep 21, 05Tim KleinertNord Modular G2 DiscussionTwo obvious bugs, what's up with them?
this patch does exactly as it says -or your money back!
[see]Sep 28, 05Tim KleinertNord Modular G2 DiscussionNoise Oscillator
WaveScanner TK.pch2
simple DSP-efficient design with unusual timbral possibilities
[see]Oct 22, 05Tim KleinertSynthWaveScanner
PseudoStereo TK.pch2
Stupidly obvious but oh well...
[see]Nov 2, 05Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksPseudo Stereo
EnvOsc TK.pch2
envelope as oscillator...
[see]Nov 5, 05Tim KleinertG2 Patches - ExperimentalDIY Oscillator
LogicDelayOsc TK.pch2
does like it says or your money back
[see]Nov 5, 05Tim KleinertG2 Patches - ExperimentalDIY Oscillator
NL3 Unison TK.pch2
[see]Nov 9, 05Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksNordLead3 Unison
DeluxeUnisono TK.pch2
[see]Nov 9, 05Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksNordLead3 Unison
HyperAnything TK.pch2
[see]Nov 9, 05Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksHyperAnything
UberHyper TK.pch2
[see]Nov 9, 05Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksHyperAnything
RidiculoHyper TK.pch2
[see]Nov 9, 05Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksHyperAnything
PseudoStereo2 TK.pch2
[see]Nov 13, 05Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksPseudoStereo2
[see]Nov 16, 05Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksHarmonic Disperser (PseudoStereo3)
[see]Nov 23, 05Tim KleinertNord Modular G2 DiscussionImplementing a counter over a certain time period
[see]Nov 24, 05Tim KleinertNord Modular G2 DiscussionToggle on/off switch...
CyclicNoise TK.pch2
Produces quasi-random cycles of various length. Tweak X and Y. Very cheap (only 3 modules)
[see]Dec 4, 05Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksCyclic Noise
Dialup Modem TK.pch2
does exactly as it says or your money back
[see]Dec 4, 05Tim KleinertFXDialup Modem
CheaperNoise TK.pch2
...oh well...
[see]Dec 4, 05Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksCyclic Noise
No Filter Module.pch2
[see]Dec 12, 05Tim KleinertNord Modular G2 DiscussionMixer Math
DIY PitchShifter.pch2
[see]Dec 17, 05Tim KleinertG2 Patches - ExperimentalDIY pitch shifter
DIY PitchShifter2.pch2
strictly speaking, more correct (but more expensive) solution using the "Dir" inputs of ShapeLFOs
[see]Dec 24, 05Tim KleinertG2 Patches - ExperimentalDIY pitch shifter
DIY PitchShifter3.pch2
modulating the _range_ of the LFOs rather than their speed/direction
[see]Dec 24, 05Tim KleinertG2 Patches - ExperimentalDIY pitch shifter
[see]Dec 26, 05Tim KleinertNord Modular G2 Discussiontriggerin the note seq - arpegiator style.
recreational purpose audio toy
[see]Feb 22, 06Tim KleinertFXNOISE TOISE
ElasticAudio TK.pch2
realtime sample time/pitch manipulation
[see]Mar 5, 06Tim KleinertAudio InElastic Audio V1.0
polyphonic granular synthesizer
[see]Mar 6, 06Tim KleinertAudio InElastic Audio, Part 2: Polyphonic Granular Synthesizer
reworked to include clock jitter parameter
[see]Mar 6, 06Tim KleinertAudio InElastic Audio, Part 2: Polyphonic Granular Synthesizer
final version with loopable envs for sample pitch, time position and grain clock rate
[see]Mar 6, 06Tim KleinertAudio InElastic Audio, Part 2: Polyphonic Granular Synthesizer
[see]Mar 7, 06Tim KleinertAudio InPolyphonic Granular Synthesizer V4
Bugreport 220506.pch2
notorious delay line weirdness possibly detected!
[see]Mar 22, 06Tim KleinertBugsPlease verify this bug
PluckedString TK.pch2
elaborate plucked string physical model
[see]Mar 23, 06Tim KleinertAcousticPlucked String
allpass funk.pch2
watch your ears!
[see]Mar 23, 06Tim KleinertAcousticPlucked String
MorPhilter TK.pch2
dynamic LP-BP-HP morphing filter
[see]May 12, 06Tim KleinertG2 Building Blockstwo filters
FilthyFilter TK.pch2
filter with odd harmonic distortive resonance -"dirty" sound
[see]May 12, 06Tim KleinertG2 Building Blockstwo filters
Time Tunnels TK.pch2
[see]Jun 16, 06Tim KleinertSequencer - automatic (noodles)Time Tunnels
AudioFreeze! TK.pch2
Freeze realtime audio...
[see]Sep 6, 06Tim KleinertAudio InAudioFreeze!
DeluxeLooper TK.pch2
elastic audio looping tool -syncs to MIDI clock and DOES NOT DRIFT!
[see]Sep 6, 06Tim KleinertAudio InDeluxeLooper
Reverse Delay TK.pch2
reversed delay slapbacks
[see]Sep 9, 06Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksReverse Delay
BugRep190906 TK.pch2
bug report demonstrating faulty behaviour of the OscShp modules
[see]Sep 19, 06Tim KleinertBugsOscShp module bug
ReOrder16 TK.pch2
Capture one 4/4-bar of audio, reorder the 16ths
[see]Apr 9, 07Tim KleinertAudio InReOrder16
LoopReOrder16 TK.pch2
ReOrder-patch without capturing, designed for 4/4 loops coming from external in or interslot bus
[see]Apr 9, 07Tim KleinertAudio InReOrder16
SimpleLooper TK.pch2
[see]Apr 9, 07Tim KleinertG2 Patches - ExperimentalLoop delay
TapTempoDelay TK.pch2
tap 4x to sync the delay time
[see]Apr 18, 07Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksTap Tempo Delay
another simple solution using the zero crossing counter
[see]Apr 18, 07Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksTap Tempo Delay
sine saturation.pch2
[see]May 6, 07Tim KleinertG2 Building Blockssine function saturation
[see]May 13, 07Tim KleinertNord Modular G2 DiscussionAnti-aliased osc effect?
8-Stage Env2 TK.pch2
Same thing, but with the "start at patchload"-behavior corrected.
[see]May 24, 07Tim KleinertG2 Building Blocks8-Stage Envelope
8-Stage Env TK.pch2
DIY 8-stage envelope generator
[see]May 24, 07Tim KleinertG2 Building Blocks8-Stage Envelope
16StageSus2 TK.pch2
DIY 16-stage envelope using the gates from the Rates CtrlSeq to manually set the sustain stage. Not modulatable, but more efficient.
[see]May 25, 07Tim KleinertG2 Building Blocks16-Stage envelope with selectable sustain stage
DIY 16-stage envelope with variable (and modulatable) sustain-stage
[see]May 25, 07Tim KleinertG2 Building Blocks16-Stage envelope with selectable sustain stage
Multiplexing inputs to polyphonic voices and polyphonic voices to outputs.
[see]May 26, 07Tim KleinertNord Modular G2 DiscussionNo news about G2 OS update ?
16-stage envelope generator, rates scaled in 16ths of the MIDI master clock
[see]May 26, 07Tim KleinertG2 Building Blocksclock-synced 16-Stage envelope generator
Bouncer TK.pch2
gravitational rebound triggers genarator
[see]May 31, 07Tim KleinertG2 Building Blocksballistic bouncer
NewCounter TK.pch2
Improved counter circuit with separate up/down counting ranges and start value (1,8 cycles/3,9 memory)
[see]May 31, 07Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksNew Up/Down Counter
DownUpSlew TK.pch2
cheap slew circuit with individual up/down rate controls (0,5 cycles/3,9 mem), optimised for control rates
[see]Jun 1, 07Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksUp/Down slew limiter
cheap slew circuit with individual up/down rate controls (2,2 cycles/3,9 mem), optimised for audio rates
[see]Jun 1, 07Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksUp/Down slew limiter
SimpleSample TK.pch2
most basic (non-drifting) sampling circuit
[see]Jun 3, 07Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksSimpleSample
XY Pong TK.pch2
twodimensional ballistic pingpong circuit
[see]Jun 7, 07Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksXY-Pong
GWheelsXYPong TK.pch2
XY Pong circuit using the global wheels as performance controllers.
[see]Jun 7, 07Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksXY-Pong
Bouncer2 TK.pch2
Different approach, more expensive, but with different controllability.
[see]Jun 7, 07Tim KleinertG2 Building Blocksballistic bouncer
SpringBouncer TK.pch2
spring bounce generator with spring stiffness
[see]Jun 7, 07Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksBallistic Spring Bouncer
SamplingOsc TK.pch2
Oscillator whose waveform is represented by 16 steps, stored in a NoteSequencer. This gives you the possibility of (admittedly very crude) sampling new waveforms via the "Rec"-input of the NoteSequencer. Non-volatile sampling, at last! :lol:
[see]Jul 4, 07Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksSampling Osc
WavetableOsc TK.pch2
wavetable oscillator with non-constant formants (as it should be)
[see]Jul 4, 07Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksWavetable Osc
WavetableOsc2 TK.pch2
way cheaper and better tuning, but more aliasing
[see]Jul 4, 07Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksWavetable Osc
UpDwnLimitLFO TK.pch2
Triangle LFO with high and low boundaries for the oscillation
[see]Jul 14, 07Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksTriangle LFO with high and low boundaries
DIY Synth MK2 TK.pch2
using low-level techniques to build oscillators, multimode filters, LFOs and envelopes
[see]Jul 18, 07Tim KleinertG2 Patches - ExperimentalDIY subtractive synth
passband comp.pch2
[see]Aug 21, 07Tim KleinertNord Modular G2 DiscussionSo excited about the G2 - I can´t believe it ;-) ...
sample-accurate polyphonic elastic audio patch based on an intelligent time stretch algorithm.
[see]Oct 28, 07Tim KleinertAudio Inpolyphonic "intelligent elastic audio" sampler
mono version of "InteLasticSyntTK"
[see]Oct 28, 07Tim KleinertAudio Inpolyphonic "intelligent elastic audio" sampler
PolyGranuSyn5 TK.pch2
Polyphonic granular synth
[see]Nov 3, 07Tim KleinertAudio InPolyGranuSyn 5
DeluxeLooper2 TK.pch2
MIDI-synced looper patch with improved elastic audio features & quality
[see]Nov 3, 07Tim KleinertAudio InDeluxeLooper 2
Low-budget acoustic strings synthesis
[see]Nov 3, 07Tim KleinertAcousticString Ensemble
BrassEnsemble TK.pch2
"Thinking out of the box" low-budget brass synthesis
[see]Nov 3, 07Tim KleinertAcousticBrass Ensemble
ElastAudio-BB TK.pch2
lets you capture 2 seconds of audio and then access this in a time/pitch-independent way
[see]Nov 3, 07Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksElastic audio building block
Sequencer with foward, reverse and skip step-functionality
[see]Apr 2, 08Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksSequencer with foward, reverse and skip step-functionality
WaveDrawOsc TK.pch2
draw your own waveshape
[see]Apr 2, 08Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksWaveDraw Oscillator
sing or talk into a microphone, play desired pitch on keyboard (NOT just a vocoder)
[see]May 12, 08Tim KleinertAudio InPolyphonic Vocal Intonator/Harmoniser
New version, with formant correction/manipulation (yes sir)
[see]May 13, 08Tim KleinertAudio InPolyphonic Vocal Intonator/Harmoniser 2
capture a 4/4 bar of audio, trigger the individual slices by a sequencer or whatever...
[see]May 18, 08Tim KleinertG2 Building Blocks16ths slicer building block
zero herz fm drift example. listen to the very slow phasing.
[see]May 30, 08Tim KleinertNord Modular G2 DiscussionOscillator drift on G2
SpacyShifters TK.pch2
high quality quad DIY pitch shifter network, makes nice ambient drones out of single notes
[see]Jun 24, 08Tim KleinertFXSpacyShifters
CycleShifter TK.pch2
wavecycle-based pitch shifter, a different approach to pitch shifting
[see]Jun 24, 08Tim KleinertG2 Patches - Experimentalwavecycle-based pitch shifter
KS demo.pch2
very basic Karplus-Strong demo for Alexander
[see]Sep 4, 08Tim KleinertG2 FAQKarplus Strong
SawShaper TK.pch2
DIY sawtooth and a flank-shaper
[see]Sep 25, 08Tim KleinertNord Modular G2 DiscussionTrying to emulate a Minimoog saw
synthesizer model providing user-definable additive wavetables with 32 partials(!), at good polyphony
[see]Jan 15, 09Tim KleinertSynthAdditive Wavetable Synthesizer
DSP optimisation in the wavetable generator --> more and better FX
[see]Jan 16, 09Tim KleinertSynthAdditive Wavetable Synthesizer
Div w Remain TK.pch2
"Division with remainder" math function.
[see]Jan 16, 09Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksDivision with remainder
simple "division with remainder" noodle
[see]Jan 16, 09Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksDivision with remainder
8-tap delay TK.pch2
8 modulatable taps from the 4tap-delay through multiplexing; yields audio at 48kHz
[see]Jan 23, 09Tim KleinertG2 Building Blocks8-tap mod delay
FibonacciGen TK.pch2
Generates the Fibonacci series from a given start value.
[see]Jan 27, 09Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksFibonacci Series Generator
NL3 Unison TK.pch2
NL3 unison (again)
[see]Feb 19, 09Tim KleinertNord Modular G2 DiscussionUnison Mode in the Nord G2 like the NL3?
Final version of the series of PolyGranuSyn-patches. All-audiorate algorithm for superior sound quality.
[see]Feb 21, 09Tim KleinertAudio InPolyGranuSyn X
monophonic GR300 style guitar synth experiment
[see]Feb 21, 09Tim KleinertG2 Patches - ExperimentalGR300 style guitar-synth experiment (monophonic)
Emits a trigger whenever zero goes 64, or 64 goes zero. efficient (2 modules).
[see]Mar 2, 09Tim KleinertNord Modular G2 DiscussionHow can I emit a pulse whenever a logic signal changes?
LFOSwing16 TK.pch2
using a shape LFO as a seq clock with swing and length control (idea by ark)
[see]Mar 4, 09Tim KleinertNord Modular G2 DiscussionHow can I emit a pulse whenever a logic signal changes?
SyncLFO TK.pch2
Clock synced LFO. Switch between speeds without losing sync.
[see]Mar 7, 09Tim KleinertNord Modular G2 Discussiontips for using clock sync'ed lfos?
Final version of the polyphonic elastic audio synthesizer. Vastly improved algorithm, better sound quality, more functionality.
[see]Mar 25, 09Tim KleinertAudio InElasticAudio X
synthesizing animal noises with only 2 modules
[see]Apr 9, 09Tim KleinertG2 Patches - Experimental2 module animal synthesis
Final version. Finally :) works like the Solaris rotor.
[see]May 3, 09Tim KleinertNord Modular G2 DiscussionSolaris Rotors in G2???
Even more streamlined implementation of the Solaris Rotor
[see]May 3, 09Tim KleinertNord Modular G2 DiscussionSolaris Rotors in G2???
Performance demonstrating the polyphonic pattern arpeggiator/auto-accompaniment generator. This patch is in slot A and controls the other slots.
[see]May 6, 09Tim KleinertSequencer - interactivePolyphonic Pattern Arpeggiator
4-voice-polyphonic pattern arpeggiator/auto-accompaniment generator; drives other slots or external MIDI gear
[see]May 6, 09Tim KleinertSequencer - interactivePolyphonic Pattern Arpeggiator
PolyUnison TK.prf2
driving a patch of choice with dynamic polyphonic unison
[see]May 9, 09Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksPolyphonic Unison
getting that osc sync sound without using osc sync
[see]May 11, 09Tim KleinertNord Modular G2 Discussionhardsync-sounds without using hardsync
Produces sync-like sounds, without the sonically compromised osc-sync approach. Improved version with added anti-aliasing control.
[see]May 12, 09Tim KleinertNord Modular G2 Discussionhardsync-sounds without using hardsync
Produces sync-like sounds, without the sonically compromised osc-sync approach. Improved version with added anti-aliasing control.
[see]May 12, 09Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksDIY square hardsync oscillator
DIYSawSyncOsc TK.pch2
Produces sawtooth waveform sync-like sounds, without the sonically compromised osc-sync approach, and offering control over brilliance and aliasing attenuation.
[see]May 14, 09Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksDIY sawtooth hardsync oscillator
TriSawOsc TK.pch2
getting tri->saw waveshaping without the expensive ShapeOsc
[see]May 14, 09Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksTri -> Saw Oscillator
Functional replica of the Moog Voyager waveshaper. Continuous morphing from sawtooth to triangle to square to ever narrower pulse, with one knob.
[see]May 16, 09Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksTri/Saw/Square and Moog Voyager-style wave morphing
Oscillator that continuously morphs between sawtooth, pure square and triangle waveforms. Cheap circuit.
[see]May 16, 09Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksTri/Saw/Square and Moog Voyager-style wave morphing
Osc-Warmth TK.pch2
Tone control for oscillators. Beef up the G2 sound!
[see]May 22, 09Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksOscillator Warmth Circuit
VintajPoly TK.pch2
Simple "analogue style" polysynth demonstrating the oscillator warmth circuit
[see]May 22, 09Tim KleinertSynthVintaj Polysynth
128 Word RAM TK.pch2
128 word virtual RAM memory with read and store functionality
[see]Jun 14, 09Tim KleinertG2 Building Blocks128 word virtual RAM memory
Demonstration of "analogue style" delay time smoothing
[see]Jun 14, 09Tim KleinertG2 FAQHow do i get the tipical delay effect?
SimpleSample2 TK.pch2
Improved basic volatile sampling subcircuit. This is the one to go for.
[see]Jun 19, 09Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksSimpleSample
SimpleSample3 TK.pch2
[see]Jun 22, 09Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksSimpleSample
Reversi TK.pch2
clock-synced audio reverse-playback
[see]Jun 23, 09Tim KleinertAudio InReversi
RandomReOrder TK.pch2
Live jam tool. Randomly reorders the 16ths of an incoming 4/4 pattern
[see]Jun 25, 09Tim KleinertAudio InRandom ReOrder
8-voice polyphonic pattern arpeggiator
[see]Jan 16, 10Tim KleinertSequencer - interactive8-voice polyphonic pattern arpeggiator
Deluxe DIY pattern arpeggiator (monophonic); Define key number, velocity and note length per step
[see]Jan 17, 10Tim KleinertSequencer - interactiveDeluxe Pattern Arpeggiator (monophonic)
Sample accurate zero latency differentiator
[see]Jan 17, 10Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksSample accurate zero latency differentiator
Building block which let's you design customized arpeggiators.
[see]Jan 19, 10Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksDIY Arpeggiator Building Block
MIDI-clocked AR, ASR and ADSR-envelopes
[see]Feb 1, 10Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksMIDI-clocked AR, ASR and ADSR-envelopes
Monophonic vocoding by realtime spectral analysis and additive resynthesis. Monophonic monster patch that completely maxes out an expanded G2.
[see]Feb 3, 10Tim KleinertAudio InSpectral Vocoder
8 channels @ 12kHz from 2 busses
[see]Feb 16, 10Tim KleinertNord Modular G2 DiscussionSending modulation via MIDI control send/receive modules
[see]Feb 16, 10Tim KleinertNord Modular G2 DiscussionSending modulation via MIDI control send/receive modules
[see]Feb 16, 10Tim KleinertNord Modular G2 DiscussionSending modulation via MIDI control send/receive modules
[see]Feb 16, 10Tim KleinertNord Modular G2 DiscussionSending modulation via MIDI control send/receive modules
Update with lowpass filter in the feedback loop, to adjust the HF buildup to taste.
[see]Mar 3, 10Tim KleinertFXSpacyShifters
Generates granular sustaining ambient drones from incoming audio.
[see]Mar 13, 10Tim KleinertFXGranuSustainer
Improved version with added granular delay mode functionality
[see]Mar 13, 10Tim KleinertFXGranuSustainer
Creates a thick grain cloud from an incoming audio source. Perfect ambient drone maker. Powerful 8-grain engine.
[see]Mar 14, 10Tim KleinertFXGrain Cloud Delay
Yet another improvement. Perfect keyboard-tracking and FOUR grains.
[see]Mar 30, 10Tim KleinertAudio InPolyGranuSyn XL
Detecting knob movements.
[see]Apr 5, 10Tim KleinertNord Modular G2 Discussiondetect a change in values
linear upsampling from 24k controlrate to 96k audiorate
[see]Apr 7, 10Tim KleinertG2 Building Blocks4-point linear interpolation
Pseudo oscillator hardsync via sawtooth phase modulation.
[see]Apr 7, 10Tim KleinertG2 Patches - ExperimentalAnother oscillator pseudo-hardsync approach
RealNL3Unison TK.pch2
Correct implementation of the NordLead3 unison effect.
[see]May 2, 10Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksREAL NordLead3 Unison Effect
FM PMconverterTK.pch2
Phase modulation feature for all oscillator waveforms
[see]May 2, 10Tim KleinertG2 Patches - ExperimentalPhase modulation feature for all oscillator waveforms
Polyphonic MIDI recorder/looper with 60 seconds of recording time
[see]Jun 1, 10Tim KleinertSequencer - interactivePolyphonic MIDI Recorder/Looper
record/loop 60 seconds of vocoder performance (keyboard and audio)
[see]Jun 3, 10Tim KleinertAudio InVocoder Looper
Record/loop 60 seconds of audio encoded into 32 frequency bands
[see]Jun 3, 10Tim KleinertG2 Patches - ExperimentalResynthesis Looper
DIY replica of the ClkDiv module
[see]Jun 5, 10Tim KleinertNord Modular G2 DiscussionVariable clock divider any ideas?
Delays incoming signal by one sample. Audio and control rate versions.
[see]Jun 10, 10Tim KleinertNord Modular G2 DiscussionHow to get a 1 sample delay?
1-sample delay for audio. Far more elegant technique by using precisely calibrated delay tap offset.
[see]Jun 10, 10Tim KleinertNord Modular G2 DiscussionHow to get a 1 sample delay?
offers control over delay size and crossfading. feedback too.
[see]Jun 11, 10Tim KleinertFXHigh end DIY stereo pitch shifter
doing it the granular way, with jitter etc.
[see]Jun 11, 10Tim KleinertFXDeluxe Granular Stereo Pitch Shifter
Granular pitch shifter with 4-grain engine. Less suitable for straightforward shifting, but nice for a more fx-ish sound.
[see]Jun 11, 10Tim KleinertFXDeluxe Granular Stereo Pitch Shifter
96 bands of realtime analysis/resynthesis; maxes out an entire expanded G2.
[see]Jul 2, 10Tim KleinertG2 Patches - ExperimentalZinovieff Resynthesizer
DIY sawtooth oscillator with DPW anti-aliasing
[see]Jan 6, 11Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksAnti-aliased DIY Oscillators
Expanded DIY oscillator with DPW anti-aliasing, offering saw and pulse wave
[see]Jan 6, 11Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksAnti-aliased DIY Oscillators
62 bands DIY vocoder, completely tweakable. Monster patch that maxes out an expanded G2.
[see]Apr 17, 11Tim KleinertAudio In62 bands DIY vocoder
for that "divide down" polyphony sound of string machines
[see]Apr 17, 11Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksOctave Phase Coherent Sawtooth Oscillator
Small subcircuit that provides poly, mono and unisono keyboard modes. Read thread for further info.
[see]Sep 21, 11Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksPoly/Mono/Unisono Keyboard Modes
Panning the even and odd harmonics of an oscillator left and right in the stereo field.
[see]Mar 3, 12Tim KleinertNord Modular G2 DiscussionMono -> Stereo
True anti-aliased user-definable waveform oscillator; Draw waveform of choice; accurate tuning
[see]Mar 7, 12Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksTrue anti-aliased user-definable waveform oscillator
True anti-aliased oscillator synchronisation; simultaneous multi-waveform design with accurate tuning
[see]Mar 7, 12Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksTrue anti-aliased oscillator synchronisation
True anti-aliased oscillator synchronisation; second version with improved sync osc sweep resolution
[see]Mar 7, 12Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksTrue anti-aliased oscillator synchronisation
True anti-aliased oscillator synchronisation; third version based on a OscB module; less DSP load and better sound but no simultaneous waveforms anymore. Best version.
[see]Mar 7, 12Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksTrue anti-aliased oscillator synchronisation
Suppressing inharmonic aliasing in the hard sync scenario via comb filtering.
[see]Mar 7, 12Tim KleinertNord Modular G2 DiscussionAnti-aliased osc sync and user-definable waveforms
Octave-phase-coherent organ drawbars generator
[see]Mar 13, 12Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksTrue octave phase-coherent drawbars generator
Pimping the G2 pitch tracker module in a meaningful way.
[see]Mar 25, 12Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksImproved Pitch Detection
QuadratureOsc TK.pch2
0, 90, 180 and 270 degrees outputs
[see]Mar 26, 12Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksQuadrature Oscillator
High Poly Octave-Phase-Coherent Drawbar Organ (26 voices); IMPROVED VERSION
[see]Apr 1, 12Tim KleinertOrgansHigh Poly Octave-Phase-Coherent Drawbar Organ
True anti-aliased user-definable waveform oscillator; Draw waveform of choice; accurate tuning; VERSION 2 with improved modulation response and less DSP usage.
[see]Apr 4, 12Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksTrue anti-aliased user-definable waveform oscillator
Octave-phase-coherent tri/square oscillator building block; see thread for info;
[see]Apr 5, 12Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksComprehensive Octave-Phase-Coherent Oscillator Suite
Octave-phase-coherent tri/square/sawtooth multi-output oscillator building block; see thread for info;
[see]Apr 5, 12Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksComprehensive Octave-Phase-Coherent Oscillator Suite
Octave-phase-coherent sawtooth oscillator building block; see thread for info;
[see]Apr 5, 12Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksComprehensive Octave-Phase-Coherent Oscillator Suite
Demonstration of PWM on the octave-phase-coherent tri/pulse oscillator building block; see thread for info;
[see]Apr 5, 12Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksComprehensive Octave-Phase-Coherent Oscillator Suite
Octave-phase-coherent triangle oscillator building block; see thread for info;
[see]Apr 5, 12Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksComprehensive Octave-Phase-Coherent Oscillator Suite
Octave-phase-coherent dual-sawtooth oscillator; see thread for info.
[see]Apr 5, 12Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksComprehensive Octave-Phase-Coherent Oscillator Suite
Chorus effect with diffusion based on quad cascaded allpass delays. From subtle chorusing to super-lush almost reverb-like FX.
[see]Jun 23, 12Tim KleinertFXDiffuser Chorus
[see]Jul 2, 12Tim KleinertFXDiffuser Chorus
Polyphonic granular synthesizer, 4 sequentially phase-correlated grains per voice, multimode filter per grain, comprehensive grain parameter keyboard tracking and randomisation. See corresponding thread for comprehensive parameter description.
[see]Sep 9, 12Tim KleinertAudio InPolyGranuSyn_Y and PolyGranuSyn_Z
Polyphonic granular synthesizer, 4 independent grains per voice, multimode filter per grain, comprehensive grain parameter keyboard tracking and randomisation. See corresponding thread for comprehensive parameter description.
[see]Sep 9, 12Tim KleinertAudio InPolyGranuSyn_Y and PolyGranuSyn_Z
Saturating the Classic filter module in a controlled fashion.
[see]Sep 9, 12Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksSaturating the Classic Filter
string pluck.pch2
[see]Sep 16, 12Tim KleinertG2 Patches - Experimentalguitar with questionable strum
Anti-aliased user-definable waveform oscillator with the functionality of being able to smoothly shift the waveform spectrum through the harmonic series up to 16 harmonics above.
[see]Jan 18, 13Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksSpectrum Shift Oscillator
[see]Jan 21, 13Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksDSP-cheap continuous tri-square-saw/ramp morphing oscillator
Toggles polyphonic keystrokes (see thread)
[see]Feb 17, 13Tim KleinertNord Modular G2 Discussionflip flop module in mono mode in polyphonic patch?
Cheap and effective method to split the keyboard within a slot for multitimbral operation
[see]Mar 28, 13Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksSplitting the keyboard within a slot
Multiplexing 8 channels into 2, at maximum possible bandwidth (12kHz); all channel outputs available simultaneously.
[see]Aug 18, 13Tim KleinertNord Modular G2 DiscussionA good multiplexer?
Generalized concept of max throughput/parallel output multiplexing.
[see]Aug 18, 13Tim KleinertNord Modular G2 DiscussionA good multiplexer?
[see]Sep 3, 13Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksPoly/Mono/Unisono Keyboard Modes
Polyphony management building block which offers poly, mono and unison keyboard modes, as well as 3 glide functions for mono/unison.
[see]Sep 3, 13Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksPoly/Mono/Unisono Keyboard Modes
Using the rectifier module in diode mode for separate processing of positive and negative pitch stick movement.
[see]Sep 3, 13Tim KleinertG2 Building Blockspitch stick 2 up 12 down.
Specialized performance patch: When sustaining a chord with the sustain pedal, only notes which are also still held on the keyboard will be affected by pitch bend.
[see]Sep 13, 13Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksPedal Bend? - ala Pedal Steel Guitar
NRPN Send.pch2
[see]Dec 2, 13Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksNRPN Knob Movement Recording & Playing
371 years LFO.pch2
[see]Jan 26, 14Tim KleinertG2 Patches - Experimental371 years LFO
slow LFO test.pch2
Testing the tracking of LFOs at slowest rates. See topic for discussion.
[see]Jan 27, 14Tim KleinertG2 Patches - Experimental371 years LFO
Deriving an uniformly smooth random LFO from a sawtooth LFO
[see]Jan 27, 14Tim KleinertG2 Patches - Experimental371 years LFO
No compromise oscillator building block providing all classic waveforms simultaneously with low-end boost, anti-aliased hard sync sweeping, and true quad unison; Warning: expensive!
[see]Apr 26, 14Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksAnti-aliased hard sync oscillator with true quad-unison
Calculates the median from 7 inputted values.
[see]Oct 15, 14Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksMedian calculator for 7 values
Step sequencer with adjustable repeats per step and other features. Read thread for more info.
[see]Dec 16, 14Tim KleinertNord Modular G2 DiscussionProblems with sequenzer
User-definable additve wavetables, 7 complex waveshaping modes, anti-aliased high quality algorithm.
[see]Mar 26, 15Tim KleinertSynthAdditive Wavetable Complex Waveshaping Synthesizer
[see]May 9, 15Tim KleinertNord Modular G2 DiscussionRandomizing parameters via MIDI?
[see]May 9, 15Tim KleinertNord Modular G2 DiscussionRandomizing parameters via MIDI?
Chamberlin multimode filter topology (UPDATE: with reso biasing)
[see]Aug 4, 15Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksChamberlin Multimode Filter
Two cascaded Chamberlin topology 12dB filter stages for a 24dB multi-mode filter. (UPDATE: With reso biasing)
[see]Aug 5, 15Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksChamberlin Multimode Filter
Chamberlin 12dB filter topology; all 5 filter modes, plus a totally unorthodox drive/grunge control.
[see]Aug 5, 15Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksChamberlin Multimode Filter
predictable and customizable division using the binary restoring algorithm
[see]Aug 21, 15Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksDivision (binary restoring method)
real-time division with 8 bit resolution, using a direct form of the binary restoring method
[see]Aug 21, 15Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksDivision (binary restoring method)
CheapDiff Z-1_TK.pch2
z-1 differentiation and z-1 delay in one super-cheap building block (only two mixer modules).
[see]Aug 26, 15Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksDifferentiator / Z-1 Delay Generator
Phase accumulator (trivial sawtooth) with perfect tuning; fundamental building block for DIY oscillators, waveshaping etc.
[see]Aug 28, 15Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksPhase Accumulator (trivial sawtooth)
Control-circuit for 1s delay module, offering non-volatile (=storable) delay tap-tempo as well as smooth manual control.
[see]Sep 5, 15Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksNon-volatile (=storable) tap-tempo/manual-control delay
Stereo phase distortion effect circuit; phase-modulates an incoming signal with an (optionally filtered) version of itself, thus creating a wealth of side-bands.
[see]Jan 20, 16Tim KleinertAudio InPhase Distortion FX
Building block that provides phase modulation (PM) for all stock G2 oscillators that feature an FM input.
[see]Mar 10, 16Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksFM to PM converter
[see]Sep 10, 16Tim KleinertNord Modular G2 DiscussionNord G2's allpass filter behaviour is odd?
Simultaneous saw, tri and pulse outputs; aliasing-suppressive DPW method
[see]Nov 3, 16Tim KleinertG2 Patches - ExperimentalDPW Multi-Waveform Oscillator
Initial phase control for all stock G2 modules with sync and FM inputs.
[see]Nov 16, 16Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksInitial phase control
Forcing stock G2 oscillators to generate trivial non-bandlimited waveforms
[see]Nov 23, 16Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksTrivial oscillators
synchronizes the beat frequency between two oscillators to the master clock
[see]Nov 24, 16Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksClock-syncable oscillator detuning (beating)
generates 4 anti-aliased subharmonic sawtooths from one master sawtooth oscillator
[see]Feb 7, 17Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksAnti-aliased quad sawtooth subharmonic generator
LFOCycleCount TK.pch2
Adjustable amount of LFO cycles on note-on.
[see]May 28, 17Tim KleinertNord Modular G2 DiscussionSet the number of cycles of a LFO
Efficient anti-aliased hard sync pulse oscillator; new approach; only 15.8% cycles, 17.2% memory
[see]Jun 9, 17Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksEfficient anti-aliased hard sync pulse oscillator
Constant pulse time oscillator, inspired by the NordLead A1
[see]Sep 9, 17Tim KleinertG2 Building BlocksConstant Pulse Time Oscillator

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