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G2 Patch Archive Listing
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G2ian's lessthan500 patch with cross feedback and high pass filters
[see]Sep 29, 05Afro88Wish ListDlyStereo module - lesser time range
Juno style synth. Similar signal flow of a real juno, ie 1 triangle lfo controlling vibrato/filter/pwm, 1 env controlling filter/amp/pwm (positive or negative), 1 multi oscillator (saw/pulse/sub), 1 noise oscillator. Chorus gives it a real Juno-y feel, a
[see]Jul 22, 04Afro88SynthJune-o
MB33 II v1.1.pch2
[see]Jul 16, 04Afro88SynthMB-33 MkII V1.1
Buzz Synth.pch2
Buzzy lead synth
[see]Oct 19, 06Afro88SynthBuzzy lead synth
hausy seq9.pch2
Carl Cox inspired house patch, runs at 130bpm
[see]Jun 6, 06Afro88Sequencer - interactiveCarl Cox bangin' 'ouse
Interactive techno sequencer patch in 6/8 time.
[see]Oct 28, 04Afro88Sequencer - interactivesixeight
Translation of the Vierring Reaktor 4 ensemble.
[see]Feb 3, 05Afro88Sequencer - interactiveGierring
dirty techno.pch2
Dirty techno sequence patch
[see]Jun 20, 05Afro88Sequencer - interactiveDirty techno
Interactive noodle vaguely based on the Ursa Major Space Station specs...
[see]Sep 14, 04Afro88Sequencer - interactiveSpaceGenA
Techno noodle3.pch2
An ambient techno noodle...
[see]Sep 1, 04Afro88Sequencer - automatic (noodles)Ambient techno noodle
Techno noodle4.pch2
Another ambient techno noodle
[see]Sep 2, 04Afro88Sequencer - automatic (noodles)Ambient techno noodle
When the G2 sleeps it has dreams too... bitcrushed ones ;)
[see]Oct 7, 04Afro88Sequencer - automatic (noodles)Sleeping G2
120 bpm. Distorted 303 delay cacophony.
[see]Nov 15, 04Afro88Sequencer - automatic (noodles)PowerThru
Cool Pad.pch2
Nice pad patch, uses one of the "dopey" filters
[see]Jul 13, 06Afro88PadCool Pad
Bass patch with morph groups assigned to interesting functions
[see]May 22, 06Afro88Nord Modular G2 DiscussionMorph groups
Posted for a test of the random module's difference in other G2s
[see]Apr 6, 05Afro88Nord Modular G2 DiscussionRandom pattern generators - unique?
experimental gate
[see]Apr 11, 05Afro88Nord Modular G2 DiscussionLogic gate/switch
8op VOSFM synth.pch2
8 operator VOSIM FM synth
[see]Aug 3, 06Afro88Nord Modular G2 DiscussionFSR1
loop bug.pch2
Example of the delay line looping bug Tim discovered
[see]Jun 26, 05Afro88Nord Modular G2 DiscussionClocksynced delays drifting out of sync!
simple chord delay.pch2
Demo "deep house" chord patch
[see]Jul 14, 05Afro88Nord Modular G2 DiscussionG2 and Reakor - patch building
[see]Oct 21, 05Afro88Nord Modular G2 DiscussionAudio: 1sec --> 10sec
Experiment with the noise levels on the G2's inputs
[see]Oct 8, 04Afro88Nord Modular G2 DiscussionG2 input noise
Counting patch
[see]Nov 23, 05Afro88Nord Modular G2 DiscussionImplementing a counter over a certain time period
DX noise4.pch2
Roland Kuit's DX Noise patch. Song excerpt 2's patch.
[see]Dec 10, 04Afro88Nord Modular G2 DiscussionEQ problem
[see]Apr 11, 05Afro88Nord Modular G2 DiscussionLogic gate/switch
formant operator.pch2
FS1R style formant operator
[see]Aug 3, 06Afro88Nord Modular G2 DiscussionFSR1
Modification of the funky drummer patch by Sheridan
[see]Jul 11, 05Afro88Nord Modular G2 DiscussionMISSION IMPOSSIBLE: the funky drummer on a G2?
wet chorus.pch2
Patch to subtract dry signal from chorus module, and prove this does provide 100% wet
[see]May 17, 06Afro88Nord Modular G2 DiscussionChorus module DIY equivalent?
Bass patch
[see]Apr 10, 05Afro88Nord Modular G2 DiscussionBass noises.
Based on the FS1R's formant shaping synthesis
[see]Aug 2, 06Afro88Nord Modular G2 DiscussionFSR1
formant operator2.pch2
Fixed FS1R style formant operator. Tune, Freq, Width and Skirt parameters.
[see]Aug 3, 06Afro88Nord Modular G2 DiscussionFSR1
control/audio rate modulation
[see]Jul 3, 05Afro88Nord Modular G2 DiscussionGeneral Nord Modular (NM/G2) advice needed
D+B Bass-fixed.pch2
fixed version
[see]Aug 16, 05Afro88Nord Modular G2 DiscussionDrum & Bass patches
My variations of Dasz's patch with some modifications
[see]Oct 29, 05Afro88Nord Modular G2 DiscussionMy favorite module, the Control sequencer
midi degrade.pch2
Interslot midi signal degredation
[see]Mar 28, 06Afro88Nord Modular G2 DiscussionTiming with cross-slot sequencing
Song exerpt 1 lead patch
[see]Dec 10, 04Afro88Nord Modular G2 DiscussionEQ problem
Electro lead instrument #2
[see]Apr 20, 07Afro88Lead"Stalone" - lead instrument
Electro lead instrument
[see]Apr 20, 07Afro88Lead"Stalone" - lead instrument
Minimal tech.prf2
Minimal tech perf
[see]Jul 25, 06Afro88G2 Performances - ExperimentalMinimal tech perf
Minimal Tech2.prf2
Less minimal version
[see]Jul 25, 06Afro88G2 Performances - ExperimentalMinimal tech perf
Minimal tech3.prf2
Delay fx based minimal perf
[see]Jul 26, 06Afro88G2 Performances - ExperimentalMinimal tech perf
Electro breaks6.prf2
Breaky, dubby, tech funk perf -fixed-
[see]May 30, 05Afro88G2 Performances - CompletedSome breaks
My version of Petr's PneumoA perf
[see]May 27, 05Afro88G2 Performances - CompletedElectro loop
Progressive 2.prf2
Progressive 4 to the floor perf
[see]Oct 19, 05Afro88G2 Performances - CompletedG2 Progressive
Rising delay modulations experiment 2
[see]May 13, 05Afro88G2 Patches - ExperimentalDelay modulation buildup sounds
Greaseenvelope's lfo patch with added controls
[see]Sep 29, 05Afro88G2 Patches - ExperimentalLFO crossmodulation and level inversion=DikMik (Fixed!)
simple rotdel.pch2
Rotation delay
[see]Nov 14, 04Afro88G2 Patches - ExperimentalStereo tap delay
Rising delay modulations experiments 1
[see]May 13, 05Afro88G2 Patches - ExperimentalDelay modulation buildup sounds
Delay with rotation using phase inverted cross feedback
[see]Nov 15, 04Afro88G2 Patches - ExperimentalStereo tap delay
Grooved 303.pch2
Experiement with psychoacoustic effects on timing
[see]Oct 18, 05Afro88G2 Patches - ExperimentalPsychoacoustic experiments in groove
st 2tap dub dlay.pch2
[see]Nov 14, 04Afro88G2 Patches - ExperimentalStereo tap delay
Filterbank based on the Moog 914 frequencies
[see]Aug 4, 06Afro88G2 Building BlocksFilterbank
dance looper.pch2
Dance style audio looping patch
[see]Jun 2, 05Afro88G2 Building BlocksStereo dance style looper
Transient Shaper.pch2
Experimental compressor building block. Useful for shaping the attack transients of synth stabs and drums
[see]Apr 9, 05Afro88G2 Building BlocksTransient shaper
Nasty dub style delay block
[see]Jul 26, 06Afro88G2 Building BlocksScarDelay
Proper BPF style filterbank. Uses Moog 914 frequencies with 2 extras added at the bottom and top for greater sound control and more accurate sound when zero'ed.
[see]Aug 6, 06Afro88G2 Building BlocksFilterbank
Vinyl pops.pch2
Vinyl pops emulation patch
[see]Jun 27, 05Afro88G2 Building BlocksVinyl clicks and pops/Simple noise noodle
Var 1 - 8 signals 1 wire; Var 2 - 4 signals 1 wire
[see]Oct 23, 05Afro88G2 Building Blocks8 control channels through 1 audio wire
Some variations for g2ian's tri-saw building block
[see]Jan 9, 06Afro88G2 Building BlocksWave shaping ideas
2 building blocks for knob movement -> logic gate signals
[see]Apr 12, 05Afro88G2 Building BlocksKnob movement to gate signal
Stereo 1 tap delay with rotation control. Original version by g2ian.
[see]Nov 15, 04Afro88FXRotation Delay
Faulty Computer.pch2
Sequenced fx noises
[see]Jun 19, 05Afro88FXFaulty Computer
grit harmonics.pch2
Gritty harmonics
[see]Dec 27, 06Afro88FXHarmonics
AfroVerb v1.3.pch2
A reverb patch using 4 allpass filters through feedback delay lines as diffusers
[see]Sep 14, 04Afro88FXAfroVerb v1.3
Variation for coolcat's patch
[see]Feb 8, 06Afro88FXBaby Babble
Dubby chord instrument smothered in delicious sidechained compressed reverb :)
[see]Oct 1, 04Afro88FantasyChords of Nirvana
Chemical Beats.pch2
Conversion of the NM1 patch ChemicalBeats.pch
[see]Sep 13, 04Afro88DrumNM conversion: ChemicalBeats.pch
breaky kicksnare.pch2
Breaky kick and snare kit patch
[see]Feb 11, 06Afro88DrumSome breaky drums
NewsCool AfroVar.pch2
My set of variations for Roland's NewsCool Extended
[see]Nov 16, 04Afro88DrumNewsCool Xb
MB33 II (no seq).pch2
Emulation of the MAM MB33 Mk2 (updated version). Accent kicks in at velocity 90 and above and glide kicks in when notes overlap. Mess around with the controls above the divider for same control as the original.
[see]Jul 4, 04Afro88Classic4 pole filter
Ian's minimoog patch with a quick hack to limit the filter's cutoff
[see]Jan 30, 05Afro88Classicyet another mini
MB33 II Seq.pch2
Emulation of the MAM MB33 Mk2. This version has a sequencer with glide and accent control, as well as a choice of filter slopes and types. Updated version with accent level control, tb style env mod, fixed sub osc and screamier resonance. Mess around with
[see]Jul 4, 04Afro88Classic4 pole filter
what the.pch2
Alpha Juno 'What the...?' patch
[see]Jul 25, 04Afro88ClassicWhat the...?
ranbuild v2.2.pch2
Patch where fx section doesn't display meters
[see]Apr 8, 06Afro88BugsMeters not working in fx section
Electro/minimal bass patch based on the NL3 architecture with Rob's tilt filter added
[see]Jul 13, 06Afro88BassNL3 architecture electro/minimal bass patch
Sick Bass.pch2
Breaks/Drumnbass bass/lead patch
[see]Aug 5, 04Afro88BassBreaks/Drumnbass bass/lead instrument
Quad Fuzz.pch2
Quad fuzz style effect. 4 filters, lfos, distortion units and delays. Nice for drums processing
[see]Aug 14, 04Afro88Audio InQuad Fuzz
stereo modifier.pch2
Stereo field modification tool
[see]Feb 26, 06Afro88Audio InStereo modifier
Flush Vocoder.pch2
Lush, lo-fi club/dance vocoder
[see]May 20, 05Afro88Audio InFlush Vocoder

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