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G2 Patch Archive Listing
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Wind controller input.pch2
Almost the simplest patch imaginable for breath control.
[see]May 14, 11arkG2 Building BlocksG2 + wind controller
SeqNote anomaly.pch2
Hold the first button in panel A1. While doing so, play and hold a 3-note chord. Let it fill the sequencer, then release the button. I would expect the chord to continue to sound, but what happens on my G2 is that only one note sounds--except sometimes
[see]Jan 12, 11arkNord Modular G2 DiscussionIs there a way to make a SeqNote module polyphonic?
MIDI Example 2.pch2
This example uses a Constant module and a MIDI assignment. Note that if MIDI Local is off, turning the knob does not change the state of the module.
[see]Jan 20, 10arkNord Modular G2 DiscussionAssigning a knob and button at the same time
MIDI Example 1.pch2
This example uses a MIDI Automate module. Even if MIDI Local is turned off, turning the physical knob changes the panel display on the G2 and also updates the state of the module immediately.
[see]Jan 20, 10arkNord Modular G2 DiscussionAssigning a knob and button at the same time
LFO Arpeggio.pch2
Factory patch "Lead Variations" simplified to reveal the essence of the technique...
[see]May 3, 09arkG2 Building BlocksArpeggio by adding two LFOs
What amazes me is that there's almost nothing there -- and yet I keep feeling like there's a message I should be understanding.
[see]Apr 8, 09arkG2 Patches - ExperimentalChatterbox
Interval timer.pch2
Go to parameter page A1, then press Begin and then End. After that, pressing Replay will play a tone for the length of time that elapsed between Begin and End, up to 62.9 seconds.
[see]Mar 23, 09arkG2 Building BlocksInterval timer
Direction change detector.pch2
[see]Mar 3, 09arkNord Modular G2 DiscussionHow can I emit a pulse whenever a logic signal changes?
Swing sequencer example.pch2
[see]Mar 3, 09arkNord Modular G2 DiscussionHow can I emit a pulse whenever a logic signal changes?
Keyboard to MIDI out v2.pch2
The envelope would be triggered if it were being used to play an ordinary patch, so it should also be triggered when being used for MIDI output.
[see]Feb 26, 09arkNord Modular G2 DiscussionSending G2's arpeggiator to MIDI OUT?
Keyboard to MIDI out.pch2
This patch sends the keyboard input to MIDI channel 1.
[see]Feb 26, 09arkNord Modular G2 DiscussionSending G2's arpeggiator to MIDI OUT?
Nontracking pitch bend.pch2
This is the straightforward way of doing it.
[see]Feb 1, 09arkNord Modular G2 DiscussionA simple technique to decouple pitch bend and decay
Tracking pitch bend.pch2
This adds a track-and-hold module so that the pitch doesn't change after you take your hand off the keyboard.
[see]Feb 1, 09arkNord Modular G2 DiscussionA simple technique to decouple pitch bend and decay
delicate noise1.pch2
G2 factory patch
[see]Jan 31, 09arkFXNaive question about a factory patch
Beat arpeggio.pch2
[see]Jan 24, 09arkG2 Building BlocksBeat arpeggio
[see]Jan 15, 09arkG2 Patches - ExperimentalMeow!
Simple velocity-sensitive patch.pch2
Here is a patch that explicitly uses a Keyboard module to control the overall patch level through the amplitude envelope's AM input.
[see]Jan 10, 09arkNord Modular G2 DiscussionHow to make velocity affect the note volume
Morph-based velocity-sensitive patch.pch2
Here is a patch that uses the keyboard velocity to control the S (sustain level) of the ADSR envelope through a morph. It's harder to control sustain level from a Keyboard module because it's not directly adjustable, at least not with this particular env
[see]Jan 10, 09arkNord Modular G2 DiscussionHow to make velocity affect the note volume
Voice selector.pch2
[see]Dec 12, 08arkG2 Building BlocksVoice selector
Weird FM patch.pch2
[see]Dec 5, 08arkNord Modular G2 DiscussionWhy does this patch sound so weird?
[see]Nov 20, 08arkNord Modular G2 Discussioncalculating 3rds
Chord memory.pch2
[see]Jul 29, 08arkG2 Building BlocksChord memory
Sequencer 2008-07-10.pch2
[see]Jul 10, 08arkNord Modular G2 DiscussionCan someone help with a sequencer problem?
Sequencer 2008-07-09.pch2
[see]Jul 9, 08arkNord Modular G2 DiscussionCan someone help with a sequencer problem?
Sequencer test.pch2
[see]Jul 8, 08arkNord Modular G2 DiscussionCan someone help with a sequencer problem?
Double pulse, version 2.pch2
[see]Jul 8, 08arkNord Modular G2 DiscussionCan someone help with a sequencer problem?
Double pulse.pch2
[see]Jul 8, 08arkNord Modular G2 DiscussionCan someone help with a sequencer problem?
Chord memory.pch2
[see]Jul 7, 08arkG2 Building BlocksChord memory
WTC Prelude.pch2
[see]Jun 20, 08arkSequencer - automatic (noodles)WTC Prelude
Pitch spreader.pch2
A simple patch: It just uses triangle waves for its output and doesn't even try to modulate them. The note quantizer is so that the starting pitch will actually be a note.
[see]Jun 10, 08arkG2 Patches - ExperimentalPitch spreader--My first patch
Synt1 DX.pch2
Synt 1 DX factory patch
[see]May 2, 08arkNord Modular G2 DiscussionExtract the text boxes from patches?
[see]Dec 31, 69ark
This patch produces two alternating notes that are two octaves + a major third apart. I don't understand how that is possible, considering that the note quantizer should be limiting the pitches to being two octaves apart.
[see]Dec 31, 69ark
Slowed down.pch2
This patch is the same as yours except that I changed the LFO to be a triangle wave and reduced the frequency.
[see]Dec 31, 69ark
Clapping Music.pch2
[see]Dec 31, 69ark
weird behavior.pch2
[see]Dec 31, 69ark
Jan Boerman variation.pch2
[see]Dec 31, 69ark
Clapping Music.pch2
[see]Dec 31, 69ark

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