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G2 Patch Archive Listing
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[see]Apr 18, 06modularLeadPink Floyd - Welcome to the Machine
Fanfare EL&P.prf2
Brass performance
[see]Jan 9, 06modularG2 Performances - CompletedFanfare Brass
madness fx's patch
[see]Oct 23, 05modularFXNonsense
Mellow PolyHorns.pch2
A simple patch analog-style
[see]Aug 8, 05modularClassicMellow PolyHorns
Drops and Ghosts.pch2
Tiny bells an wooden/metal percussive sounds
[see]Apr 23, 05modularFantasyDrops and Ghosts
7v stereo synth.pch2
A simple classic analogue style patch.
[see]Apr 20, 05modularClassic7v stereo synth
[see]Apr 17, 05modularSequencer - interactiveAutoharp
Absolute Chaos.pch2
Bubbles,and most chaotic noises
[see]Apr 17, 05modularFXAbsolute Chaos
May's Lead.prf2
Emulation of the typical Lyle Mays' synth lead
[see]Feb 21, 05modularG2 Performances - CompletedA tribute to Lyle Mays
Industrial Beat.prf2
Noisy sequenced Bass and Drums
[see]Feb 21, 05modularG2 Performances - ExperimentalIndustrial Beat
Orion II.pch2
New revisited from the early version with more controls on sound
[see]Feb 9, 05modularSynthOrion
Few things.pch2
A Basic simply Patch with multiband Filter
[see]Jan 15, 05modularClassicFew Things
Memory Korg rev..pch2
Added FX section with Pitch controls
[see]Jan 4, 05modularG2 Patches - ExperimentalMemory Korg
VCS 3.pch2
A mono lead patch mostly punchy
[see]Dec 8, 04modularLeadVCS 3
Dual Moods III.pch2
Others eight variations for this versatile patch
[see]Oct 27, 04modularSynthDual Moods
Dual Moods II.pch2
Others eight variation on this patch
[see]Oct 20, 04modularSynthDual Moods
Weather Forecast.pch2
Arpeggiator based patch but with a lot of possibilities to manipulate it
[see]Oct 20, 04modularSynthWeather Forecast
Dual Moods.pch2
Dual Input Filter in this patch.
[see]Oct 17, 04modularSynthDual Moods
Not only Bells.pch2
Echoes FX in bells patch from Chained Delays
[see]Oct 15, 04modularFantasyNot Only bells
Wish U2 be lead .pch2
Lead patch moog style
[see]Oct 12, 04modularLeadWish You to be Lead?
Oceania Brass V.pch2
Brass Sounding Patch, smooth warm and Phat punching variations
[see]Oct 7, 04modularClassicOceania Brass V
Evolving Pads
[see]Oct 4, 04modularFantasyPanAtmosphere
Unreal Dreams.pch2
Drone patch. Wide range of possible changement with Seq ,Ctrl Send and NoteSend group.Dreams are on first variation
[see]Oct 3, 04modularDronesUnreal Dreams
Pads and Drones with Cutoff and Amplitude triggered by SeqEvent
[see]Oct 3, 04modularDronesWavesGatered
Twilight Zone.pch2
FX Drone with knob assignaments to Control Change for greating possible variations
[see]Oct 3, 04modularDronesTwilight Zone
Solaris E..pch2
Basically a Drone and Fx patch inspirated by the soundtrack's remake of the Solaris' movie.Lot of controls and complex delay FXs
[see]Oct 3, 04modularDronesSolaris
VeryClassic 3Osc.pch2
Same as VeryClassic but with 3 OSC and more add-ons on FX Area
[see]Oct 2, 04modularG2 Patches - ExperimentalRoll your own filter
PhatFilter II.pch2
Phat patch with spatialization tricks and morphing features
[see]Sep 30, 04modularClassicPhatFilter II
Basically a Bells soundscape with DualDelay modulate by Envelopes
[see]Sep 28, 04modularFantasyMirage
Fourteen Saw.pch2
14 Saw OSC plus two sine for mixed strings/mellow choir Pad
[see]Sep 23, 04modularPadFourteen Saw
wrodes M.pch2
Warm electric piano AM/FM with wahwah and many others modulations FXs
[see]Sep 22, 04modularPianoWarm electric piano
On the mood of the massive attack
[see]Sep 21, 04modularG2 Performances - ExperimentalAngel
Analog Beat.pch2
Analog style patch with Velocity and Wheels morphs
[see]Sep 19, 04modularSynthAnalog Beat
IFeel bs.prf2
[see]Sep 18, 04modularG2 Performances - NoodlesDiscotechno
Run in the Wind.pch2
[see]Sep 15, 04modularG2 Patches - ExperimentalRun in the wind
Brass and Plucked in Anologue Style
[see]Sep 15, 04modularSynthTynningö
Chemical Beats R.pch2
The same Afrokid patch with added Triggered Reverb
[see]Sep 13, 04modularDrumNM conversion: ChemicalBeats.pch
Chroma Polaris.pch2
Classic analog patch with intensive Wheel sweep variations
[see]Sep 12, 04modularClassicChroma Polaris
Jupiter II.pch2
VA Pad patch.
[see]Sep 9, 04modularPadJupiter II
ComplexEG idea.pch2
Evolving sound with noisy rythmic effects.
[see]Sep 6, 04modularFantasyComplexEG idea
Pillows of FM 2.pch2
[see]Sep 5, 04modularClassicPillows of FM 1&2
Pillows of FM 1.pch2
[see]Sep 5, 04modularClassicPillows of FM 1&2
Space Nightmare.pch2
Spacial FX
[see]Sep 5, 04modularFXSpace Nightmare
beauty remind b.pch2
The first version amplied with Drum sections controlled by indipendent pattern sequence
[see]Sep 2, 04modularSequencer - automatic (noodles)Beauty Reminder
beauty reminder.pch2
A Simply OSC and envelopes triggered,for rythmic pads
[see]Sep 2, 04modularSequencer - automatic (noodles)Beauty Reminder
Echoes fromAbyss.pch2
[see]Sep 1, 04modularG2 Patches - ExperimentalEchoes from the Abyss
ARP 2004.pch2
Analogue patch with some fat lead trance-like and overall delay
[see]Aug 31, 04modularSynthARP 2004
My Ddrum setup.pch2
Drum setup with Delays controlled effects
[see]Aug 27, 04modularG2 Patches - ExperimentalMy first Drum patch
My Ddrum setup.pch2
Drums Setup with controlled delay effect
[see]Aug 27, 04modularDrumMy first Drum patch
Shine on.pch2
Quite close to the famous lead synth solo in Shine On You Crazy Diamond
[see]Aug 27, 04modularLeadShine on... improvements request
Another Fat patch jupiter stile like
[see]Aug 26, 04modularClassicJupiter Rehearsal
A Sequencer Value Module contribute to enteresting delay effects.Use Wheel
[see]Aug 25, 04modularSynthOrion
I love Analog.prf2
Combi of two patches with punchy analog feel
[see]Aug 25, 04modularG2 Performances - CompletedI love Analog
Magnetic Brass.pch2
Brass and Pads with two OSC and lot of Polyphony
[see]Aug 25, 04modularClassicMagnetic brass
Jarre PAD 2.pch2
An huge PAD from an NM1 patch
[see]Aug 25, 04modularPadJarre PAD 2
Vocal Filter.pch2
OSC+Vocal Filter to make FX's and Phat pads
[see]Aug 24, 04modularSynthVocal Filter
Save a Prayer.pch2
The famous arpeggios of the same titled song
[see]Aug 23, 04modularClassicSave a Prayer
PhatOsc 19-08-04.pch2
Phat Oscillators' simple patch without sacrifying voices polifony but with a lot of possible variations
[see]Aug 19, 04modularSynthPhatOsc
Pad '80.pch2
Soft warm PAD with Wheels options for enhancing filters
[see]Aug 13, 04modularPadPad '80
Lyle's solo.pch2
Close to the original Lyle Mays' typical SEM 4 voice Oberheim sound
[see]Aug 8, 04modularLeadLyle's Solo
A Spy Story.pch2
[see]Aug 8, 04modularG2 Patches - ExperimentalA Spy Story
On The Run II.prf2
An Emulation of Famous starting sequence in Pink Floyd's The Dark Side Of The Moon
[see]Aug 4, 04modularG2 Performances - ExperimentalOn The Run
COmbi '70.prf2
A Perf with patch in slot A imported from NM1.Interesting PAD sound in first variation (select from slot C)
[see]Aug 3, 04modularG2 Performances - CompletedCOmbi '70
Nord Combo.prf2
Two patches layered together plus slot C dedicated to variations
[see]Aug 2, 04modularG2 Performances - CompletedNord Combo
Vangelis CS80.prf2
Performance with my patch Vangelis suite and g2ian CS80-2 patch together
[see]Aug 2, 04modularG2 Patches - ExperimentalVangelis CS-80
Vangelis suite.pch2
A Vangelis suite of his typical sounds like Blade Runner and Hymn
[see]Jul 31, 04modularSynthVangelis Suite
like the monophonic VCS3 bass arpeggios on Breathe
[see]Jul 31, 04modularG2 Patches - ExperimentalCould it be the VCS3 sound of Breathe?
Switch Filters b.pch2
The original patch modified with all eight variations and morphing groups
[see]Jul 31, 04modularSynthSwitching Filters modified
A deep bass like Birdland of Weather Report
[see]Jul 29, 04modularG2 Patches - ExperimentalBirdBass
Revisited with the other variations
[see]Jul 28, 04modularG2 Patches - ExperimentalFM+Osc A-B
PPG Bells2.pch2
[see]Jul 27, 04modularG2 Patches - ExperimentalPPG Bells2
my first patch!.pch2
[see]Jul 26, 04modularClassicMy first patch

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