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G2 Patch Archive Listing
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Ambio Encoder 3.pch2
An ambiophonic encoder patch...
[see]Apr 16, 08moscAudio InAmbiophonic encoder
Panning sounds.pch2
A simple patch that pans some sound. Good for testing ambiophonic encoders...
[see]Apr 16, 08moscAudio InAmbiophonic encoder
4 gate ring mod.pch2
4 gate pseudo ring modulator to demo a circuit one could use in a Lunetta. Good on it's own though.
[see]Feb 11, 08moscLunettas - circuits inspired by Stanley LunettaRing Modulators
Mod-n w oscs.pch2
A demo of the modulo-n counter (converter/divider) being controlled by 4 OSCS. This is something similar to the 4018 chip for use in a Lunetta.
[see]Feb 11, 08moscLunettas - circuits inspired by Stanley LunettaPitch makers
Mod-n w counter.pch2
A demo of the modulo-n counter (converter/divider) being controlled by a binary counter. This is something similar to the 4018 chip for use in a Lunetta.
[see]Feb 11, 08moscLunettas - circuits inspired by Stanley LunettaPitch makers
NAND Demo.pch2
Demonstates using a NAND gate as a modulator as is done in Lunettas.
[see]Feb 11, 08moscLunettas - circuits inspired by Stanley LunettaOscillators
Ode To Twice.prf2
A variation of Ode to Once - a noodle of type 12
[see]Dec 31, 07moscG2 Performances - NoodlesOde To Once
Ode to Forth.prf2
Ode to Forth - a variation of Ode to Thrice - a noodle of type 12b
[see]Dec 31, 07moscG2 Performances - NoodlesOde To Once
Melody generator by JLS and Blue Hell with frequency shifter added to improve stereo.
[see]Oct 16, 07moscG2 Building BlocksOther equations ....
Some changes to Blue Hell's patch and bringing controls to the A1 and A1 pages. This is sort of a playable noodle, or a playable interlude music maker.
[see]Oct 1, 07moscBugsAudio-driven s&h goes positive
[see]Aug 14, 07moscNord Modular G2 DiscussionHere's an idea...
[see]May 5, 07moscNord Modular G2 DiscussionHammond-style organ
A simple patch for generation an automatic rhythm of some interest. Based on a melody generator by Blue Hell. The rhythm part is the 4 modules on the lower left.
[see]Apr 15, 07moscNord Modular G2 DiscussionControlling Chaos for evolving patterns
A test patch for latency when driving an external sequencer with MIDI
[see]Mar 5, 07moscNord Modular G2 DiscussionMidi-Latency
A performance made with two of Blue Hells patches
[see]Feb 9, 07moscG2 Performances - Noodles07-008-008
varaition on semi_fractal by megerov
[see]Nov 10, 06moscG2 Building BlocksSemi Fractal
Variation on a performance by eposk...
[see]Oct 11, 06moscG2 Performances - ExperimentalCOMBINATOR 001
A patch by megerov with variations added by mosc
[see]Oct 6, 06moscG2 Patches - ExperimentalFrac-Quencer
Shift reg fun.pch2
Demo of some fun you can have with a shift register in a patch.
[see]Sep 20, 06moscG2 Patches - ExperimentalFun with shift registers
Two Osc B.pch2
Improved patch for improvisation using cross modulation techniques.
[see]Sep 5, 06moscNord Modular G2 Discussionpatching for improvisation
variation on Stanley Pain's performance
[see]Aug 30, 06moscG2 Performances - Completedare we in tune
Another varaiton on a patch by tranzash
[see]Jul 31, 06moscFXSchizo
Variation on a noisy pach by Tranzash. Warning, a bit noisy.
[see]Jul 31, 06moscFXSchizo
Ode To Thrice.prf2
Ode to Thrice An improvement over Ode to Once. This is an interactive noodle where the note generator peramaters are brought out to the G2s knobs for real time control.
[see]Jul 30, 06moscG2 Performances - NoodlesOde To Once
Ode To Once.prf2
Ode To Once A noodle for factory patches. Intended for alteration by others.
[see]Jul 27, 06moscG2 Performances - NoodlesOde To Once
Demo of sequencer that goes up, down, back/forth, and random. Based on a patch by Rob Hordijk.
[see]Jul 25, 06moscG2 Patches - ExperimentalBack and Forth Sequencer
example patch
[see]Jul 18, 06moscNord Modular G2 DiscussionG2:Sequencer,VoiceMode,Triggering
Building block to have individual logic outs from a 16 stage sequence that follows and analog input signal. Note that there are special outputs for bits 8 and 9.
[see]Jul 14, 06moscG2 Building BlocksIndividual Sequencer Outputs
A slight modification to Axiom's patch...
[see]Apr 9, 06moscSequencer - automatic (noodles)SaxyNoodle_LC
Organ for Bach.prf2
A performance for playing the Bach Fugue in D minor. Based on the stock G2 Church Organ patch.
[see]Apr 3, 06moscCompositionCounterpoint
Midi in to knob.pch2
Building Block to assign a MIDI CC input to a panel knob. Must be run in Slot A.
[see]Mar 3, 06moscG2 Building BlocksDisplay Controller value (MIDI- in) to Knobs
G2IAN's bsg performance. Just added a few variations. Put synth in global panel mode.
[see]Feb 18, 06moscG2 Performances - CompletedBSG
Small mods to G2IAN's Music Easel2 patch.
[see]Feb 15, 06moscG2 Patches - ExperimentalMusic Easel
Variations on Ivity's performance granular_storm_8
[see]Feb 9, 06moscG2 Performances - Noodlesgranular storm
Petr Serkin's patch modified a little bit by mosc...
[see]Feb 4, 06moscG2 Performances - CompletedBargvil
[see]Dec 16, 05moscNord Modular G2 DiscussionThe Virtual and Real Analogue Project
Doepfer tuning.pch2
[see]Dec 16, 05moscNord Modular G2 DiscussionThe Virtual and Real Analogue Project
Doepfer tuning.pch2
[see]Dec 16, 05moscMosc PendingSome example patches provided by Per
[see]Dec 16, 05moscMosc PendingSome example patches provided by Per
Seq start stop.pch2
Seq start stop logic
[see]Oct 23, 05moscNord Modular G2 DiscussionHelp needed - start on high logic
Noise Gate Lite.pch2
A way to get the front panel to have a LED for the noise gate.
[see]Oct 18, 05moscWish ListNoisegate LED
CV Meter.pch2
CV Meter using MIDI CC Send module and Constant.
[see]Aug 14, 05moscNord Modular G2 Discussioncontrol range problem
An example of a dikmik, sorta...
[see]Aug 12, 05moscNord Modular G2 DiscussionNo idea where to start!
CV Switch.pch2
Shows how to use the 2-1 switch with a level comparitor.
[see]Aug 11, 05moscNord Modular G2 Discussionlogic question
Two patches by Dadooronron Ron
[see]Jul 6, 05moscSequencer - automatic (noodles)Pianodrone
lil synthy - 2.pch2
A noodle which is based on a patch by Marian Cruz. This one must be run in SLOT A for the internal MIDI communication to work properly. No variations, sorry...
[see]Jul 6, 05moscSequencer - automatic (noodles)lil synthy 2 - noodle
Up Dwn Pst Count.pch2
Up/Dwn Counter with Preset, adjustable limits, step size and controlled FWD/REV
[see]Jun 29, 05moscG2 Building BlocksDSP-cheap up/down counter circuit
Special version with reverb removed for Tom for the G2 demo
[see]Jun 15, 05moscG2 Patches - Experimentaland yet another uncertainty
An extension of Jan Punter's another source of uncertainty patch. This is designed for interactive playing with a Keyboard G2, but it will work on an engine. Variations are left up to you...
[see]Jun 14, 05moscG2 Patches - Experimentaland yet another uncertainty
Variation on a random ad-da patch.
[see]Jun 10, 05moscG2 Patches - ExperimentalSquelch without filter
Two Osc.pch2
Experimental two osc, two LFO, one filter patch intended for real-time improvization
[see]May 2, 05moscNord Modular G2 Discussionpatching for improvisation
Gliss Gizzmo.pch2
A glissando gizzmo building block.
[see]Apr 22, 05moscG2 Building BlocksGlissando Gizzmo
randomly chosen patch file
[see]Feb 9, 05moscEditor's forumUpload problem
FWD/REV sequencer building block
[see]Feb 9, 05moscG2 Building BlocksFWD/REV Sequencer
[see]Dec 27, 04moscNord Modular G2 DiscussionLiquidy bubbles out of G2
Time Quantizer.pch2
Simple time quantizer patch.
[see]Oct 7, 04moscG2 Patches - ExperimentalA simple time quantizer
Differentiator for educational purposes.
[see]Aug 23, 04moscNord Modular G2 Discussionmath operators on G2
Simple FIR.pch2
Simple FIR Filter for educational purposes.
[see]Aug 23, 04moscNord Modular G2 Discussionmath operators on G2
Shifty canon.pch2
This patch demonstrates how to use a couple of shift registers to create a musical canon.
[see]Aug 22, 04moscG2 Patches - ExperimentalShift register canon
Put his in Slot D and control the variations and the volumes of Slots A, B, and C. This is perhaps useful in performances.
[see]Aug 2, 04moscG2 Patches - ExperimentalPerformance Control Patch for SLOT D
[see]Apr 3, 04moscG2 Patches - ExperimentalLFO and VU meters assigned to knob collars
Rob Hordijk's back and forth sequencer. This can serve as the basis for a lot of patches.
[see]Mar 30, 04moscG2 Patches - ExperimentalBack and Forth Sequencer
mosc-Seq1 A rhythmic sequencer patch intended for interactive playing.
[see]Mar 26, 04moscSequencer - interactiveMosc1seq - fwd/rev with two oscillators and delays

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